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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Puelto Lico

Hi everybody, remember us? I've taken a big break from blogging since life has gotten more hectic than I ever imagined possible. Just thinking about it makes me tired, so I'll save that for another rant.

At the beginning of May we got to take a week-long vacation to Puerto Rico with our friends the Orgills. It was definitely a different kind of vacation with two babies calling the shots (on completely different schedules) but we had a nice relaxing time. It was so fun to to get back together with my high school/college/Mexico buddy and watch our kiddos play. The guys did alright too. They stayed up late every night hashing out plans to save the world.
I'm really going out on a limb here trying to write something cohesive while Joey's awake. This post started out with him in a kitchen sink bath, playing happily with magnets and blowing bubbles with a straw while I sat next to him...and then he got a hold of a baked yam and squeezed the whole thing into unrecognizable floaties which, of course, stuck to his whole body and made him mad...but not as mad as he got when I washed them off and combed them out of his hair. Now he's clean, dry, and happily playing with his (up until recently my) Russian nesting dolls which should keep him occupied for at least 5 minutes, as long as he doesn't manage to shove the littlest one up his nose like he's been trying lately. Take two.
Three hours later, here I am again. Little Man is sleeping and all is well.

This is a picture of when Jaina and Joey were first getting acquainted. Of course, we've arranged their futures together. What an adorable future daughter-in-law I have!

 We traveled all day on my birthday, but James made a grocery store run late at night to get me a cake...sort of...It was a pie or something before he dropped it. It tasted good though! He was so upset that the feliz cumpleaƱos candles only gave him one L, but he artfully made it work for both words.
 Jaina and Joey chasing birds. Those pigeons are seriously disgustingly tame. If you feed them they'll land all over you. No thanks.
 We rented an apartment in Old San Juan, which turned out to be a really good move, since it was close to everything and easy to get back for naps. Also, it rained every day we were there, which turned out to be a good thing because it wasn't too hot in the afternoons. We're wusses when it comes to humid heat.
 Here we are outside a really old Spanish fort. Joey's on the lookout for dogs, cats and airplanes, as usual.

 We escaped the rain one day in a frozen yogurt shop. Good stuff! They had delicious tropical flavors, fresh fruit, and way too much air conditioning even for preggers here.
 Colorful buildings in Old San Juan
 Joey HATED the ocean! He's such a fan of the bath that it completely shocked me. He was scared to death and screaming and hanging onto me for dear life with both arms and legs. Maybe the waves scared him. Who knows. He did calm down eventually and dig in the sand, but only if he was touching me and at a safe distance from the water.
 This is a walk we took one night around a really pretty part of town. I seriously could've spent months there. We did quite a few late night outings since Joey was still on Mountain Time and Jaina went to bed about 4 hours before he even thought about dinner. Those clouds around the lights are humongous swarms of moths. Sick.
We didn't end up taking very many pictures. For some reason we've been struggling with that lately. We rented a car the last 2 days and went to a bioluminescent bay with these awesome glowing bacteria that light up when you agitate the water. Tiffany and I were probably the worst kayak navigators (besides the drunk people). We got into about 50 wrecks with other boats and the mangrove trees. We managed not to tip over though, so it was a success.

Consider yourselves updated.


  1. Thanks for the update! It's so fun hearing about little Joey (and you guys). If you don't like humid heat, never come to Ridgecrest! It gets over 100 degrees here and is very muggy.

  2. looks like a fun trip!!! excited to see the house progress and for you to meet miss colette! you are lookin cute preggers!

  3. Wow, world travelers--it's a new place every time! Thanks for the update! I just wish there were a few more pictures of your belly. :)
