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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Falltime Fun

Well, here's a bunch of random stuff for ya. I wrote a nice post, pictures all in order and captioned, and then it got brutally torn apart and eaten for lunch by the monster inside the computer. I don't know how it happens. If I were wearing shoes, I would've thrown one.

We had a Jamba Reunion in our back yard! First of all, it was a celebration of having a back yard for the first time. It was really fun to see some old Jamba coworkers, potluck it for a delicious dinner, and whip up some delicious blender whirls. This picture doesn't look like much, but considering that it was dark and James had our little camera and tripod balanced precariously in a tree, I'd say he was very successful.

Here's a little tribute to James's inner engineer. Sure, he's got a linguistics degree, but I think that was divine intervention to get us married.
In this picture we've got some of his finest work rigged up. The projector on the table was a 3 month long soldering job. He managed to take apart his own and his brother's broken projectors, not break anything vital, and put them back together into one that works. Very nice. My job was to hold wires and buy a white sheet so we could have a screen. The rest of the stuff on the table was for our Jamba guests' enjoyment. James's friend lent us his Wii to play games on the big screen. Then we've got a whole system of cords and speakers to make sure it sounded just right. The sheet blocked the AC from the kitchen...hence the fan. So, it doesn't look great, but it worked great! We got to have a living room date afterwards of Labyrinth on the big screen.

Here's the artist at work again, this time turning a rain gutter into a cord organizer. Why no one has figured out how to run a computer on less than 57 cords is anybody's guess. Anyway, it was a mess. Now, several hours, some sawdust and lots of twisty ties later, it looks great! Probably saved our kid from electrocution too.

Ok, enough about him. I want some sympathy for my cankles now. Sick, huh? I don't know why it happens. All I know is that I can no longer fit into any shoes. Also, if you push on my ankle, you can make a dent that stays for 5 minutes. James thinks it's disgusting but I'm pretty sure it's a valuable skill somewhere.

We tried our hand at the stand-by line for a session of General Conference. We failed, but it was still fun to be up in Salt Lake and watch conference in the Joseph Smith building. We ended up parking at the capitol building because there was seriously no other parking anywhere. It was actually a nice place to park and isn't as far as it looks. (Uphill on the way back though.)
Here's more proof that we went. Next time we'll get in line a little earlier.

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