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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Baby and Me

I seriously think about blogging every day. Sometimes I even make it to the website, but then the list of interesting blogs already written by all you interesting folk pulls me in and the next thing I know, the baby's awake.

Here are a few pictures. More to come soon...really.
Being lazy on the couch on a Monday. I love Mondays. James is off and I take that as my permission to do nothing productive all day.
During May Joseph went through a stage where he had his foot in his mouth during most of his waking hours. I feel like I have days like that too sometimes! Now the toe sucking has been mostly replaced with slamming and banging and generally being a little boy.
The days of relaxing in the bouncy seat are over. Now he wants to lean all the way forward and figure out how he vibration thing works

We've discovered his favorite food. I guess it's genetic, because his Grandma Affleck has been known to do the same thing with lemons.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Joseph is really getting big! Ainsley spends most of her days sucking on her toes too! Either her toes or her pointer finger. :-) She can almost sit up by herself now. Great job on the garden! We did a garden in pots this year so the chickens and ducks wouldn't eat all our seeds. It sure is fun to see what is going on with you! Keep up the blogging!
