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Friday, January 27, 2012


This wasn't Joey's first Christmas, but it's the first one he enjoyed or could participate in. Last year he cried because we put a Santa hat on him, and then fell asleep in his little wrap. This year he really lived it up. He loved all the food, the lights, the nativity set (only one wise man was decapitated), his new toys and, of course, the boxes and wrapping paper.

Christmas breakfast: french toast with berries

New hat and mittens from Grandma Affleck

Helping Daddy tell the Christmas Story

James with his handmade nose warmer, courtesy of his sister Michelle.

Joey's new favorite toy. It combines stacking, lights and music. His favorites.

This hat would've fit a normal sized 1 year old, but Joey's head is above average.  We only got the little yamaka to stay put for a few seconds before it shot across the room. We'll save that for the next baby.

Playing in the wrapping paper and boxes.
We all had a very nice Christmas and got some awesome presents. It's more fun when there's a little one to enjoy it all too.


  1. Your baby looks like he has SO much personality! I love it. Also, the homemade nose warmer is hilarious.

  2. Love the pix of the nose warmer and Joey in the boxes!
